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Blok 4 - Phase 1: Analyse


Level Assets
I have lots and lots of low poly prefabs made which make up the map and the objects inside
the characters are made of standerd unity shapes.

I should sepparate these static enviroments and bake their shadows with shadowmasks.

I made my level assets like walls and ground static and then baked my shadows into them with object maps. this should stop my game from being to laggy. the movable object are still in realtime shadows

Lightning and shaders

I have a FlatLitShader aplied with no fancy lighting technuiqes or anything. all i have is a couple of standerd spotlights and a
directional light.I Should play with some lighting, quality and player options and also apply post processing.Here ar a couple of topics i worked on.
Topics:Color Spaces
I chose to render my color space in linear. it came acrros as the easiest way to make you game look bether and i did some resrach on how it works and it actualy aplies really well on my game
Lighting Settings
i now use a skybox instead of a color. this creates a nice ambient light in my scene
Quality Settings
I improved the pixel light count and disabled anti aliasing to later apply this as a post processing effect. i also finally figured out how to increase the shadow render distance. so the player will see all  the shadows in sight.
Forward vs Deferred Rendering
i chose to go with deferred a i am making a desktop game. and now i get to mess around with some lights without worrying to much.
HDR (high dynamic range)
I allowed HDR
to improve my current lightning in the scene i messed with a lot of settings in a post processing profile like antialiasing, motion blur, eye adaption, bloom, color grading and some extras like a vignette, chromatic aberration and grain.


What is my plan for designing & Producing a Visual Effect Sequence in Unity 3d
  • Which is suitable in your environment (focus on 'Credible Context')
For this enviroment i want to make a switch in the basement that turns of all lights in the hotel and makes it dark. this is suitable because the hiders would want to use this lever to hide themselfs better in the dark.
  • With a clear 'Cause & Effect'
The Cause is pulling the lever and the effect is that when the lever is pulled. some sparks apear(the Fuse box crashes) the lights go out and after a while the light turn back on
  • Include min. 3 'Fases' (for example flash - fire - smoke)
Sparks - darkness effect - flash
  • Optional: initiated by a scripted 'Trigger Event'
The event starts when the lever hits a specific trigger.
  • Constructed by min. 3 different Techniques (for example; Anim Sprite Sheet, Particles, UV Animation like texture panning, etc.)
Particles - Camera effect - Anim Sprite Sheet -
  • Using 'Alpha' masking, Blending modes like additive, etc. (Targa / PNG format)
In Shader forge i will create a custom shader for the sparks with a Targa format texture
  • The Visual Effect must include the factor 'Time' to create a credible / believable in-game integration (timing)
After a while the lights turn back on with a big flash
