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Posts uit juni, 2018 tonen

Blok 4 - Phase 4: Reflect

G ame E nvironment T ech & O ptimalisation: (lag is caused by my recording program not the game!) VFX C oncept + I mplementation in E nvironment (2d or 3d) : (lag is caused by my recording program not the game!) W hat could i have done better? This project i should have relied more heavily to the internet. i wasted way to much time figuring things out on my own when i clearly needen help. these thing are still out of my comfort zone and this scared me. it took a lot of time to get into this but. i finnaly got there and i'm proud of what i've done

Blok 4 - Phase 3: Execute Part 2

TURN LIGHTS OFF To turn all lights off and turn the hotel dark i had to disable all light gameobjects and change the color of my directional light to a darker shade. i did this by making a gameobject list for the lights and turning them off after a few seconds had past. in my cooldown timer i added the same concept but the other way around. GHOST ANIMATION A ssets. first i had to create some assets to animate when the lights turn out. i created some dark assets with light assets. in the dark this creates an effect of a weird shape with a clearly visable scary mask. A niamtion. for the ghosts I made a couple of animators for a right, front or back animation (this is beacause i wanted to place the ghosts in different rotations. these aniamtions of course had no position so could place them whereever I liked. next i could put hem in my list in the in spector and place them in my scene! I also added a Bloom script to my main camera. now i can change the inten...

Blok 4 - Phase 3: Execute Part 1

DETECT AND START ANIMATION First i created a script that detects when the collider its attached to colides with a collider with a specific tag: "Switch" it then changes parameters to switch aniamtions from idle to active. to prevent this from happening over and over again in a quick maner i added a cooldown so the players cant activatie te routine until the lights are back on secondly i created a fusbox with a working door and switch with corisponding joints to make them work. PARTICLE SPARK EFFECT but before i made the animations that get triggered when the switch is pullen if am first goin to focus on a sparks particle effect whten the lever is pulled. i made a new shader to eddit in shader Forge. i created a texture asset an connected it to a texture 2D and to emmision with Blend mode set to active I then created a sprite for a particle and created a particle effect after. with a bit of tweeking to the Shader force i started tweek...

Blok 4 - Phase 2: Plan

WHAT IS THIS GAME GOING TO BE? P arty game: local couch party game maken. Een simplistisch spel met goede afwerking. Denk hierbij aan -> 3d local multiplayer game Die met 4 camera's in splitscreen opereert Ik ga mijn main game vroeg "af" maken om vooral te focussen op polish en extra's. Op het eind zou ik me eventueel kunnen focussen op het Publiceren van dit spel. W at maakt dit spel uniek? Als Core gebruik ik voor dit spel Verstoppen. Dit baseer ik natuurlijk grotendeels op het real life spel: verstoppertje. om het echte creatieve gevoel van verstoppen na te maken gebuik ik dus physics in het environment. je kan zo dingen verschuiven. oppakken en… verstoppen. iets waar ik veel aan wil werken is het aantal assets en game mechanics. extra’s glas dat breekt, spiegels die werken, lichten die aan en uit kunnen. tauw dat dynamisch is, kussens en dekens met soft bodies water waarmee je kan interacteren....

Blok 4 - Phase 1: Analyse

TECHNICAL ART: L evel Assets I have lots and lots of low poly prefabs made which make up the map and the objects inside the characters are made of standerd unity shapes. I should sepparate these static enviroments and bake their shadows with shadowmasks. I made my level assets like walls and ground static and then baked my shadows into them with object maps. this should stop my game from being to laggy. the movable object are still in realtime shadows L ightning and shaders I have a FlatLitShader aplied with no fancy lighting technuiqes or anything. all i have is a couple of standerd spotlights and a directional light. I Should play with some lighting, quality and player options and also apply post processing. Here ar a couple of topics i worked on. Topics: Color Spaces I chose to render my color space in linear. it came acrros as the easiest way to make you game look bether and i did some resrach on how it works and it actualy aplies really we...