G ame E nvironment T ech & O ptimalisation: (lag is caused by my recording program not the game!) https://youtu.be/S9EqvsNwZcM VFX C oncept + I mplementation in E nvironment (2d or 3d) : (lag is caused by my recording program not the game!) https://youtu.be/w571YYqP22o W hat could i have done better? This project i should have relied more heavily to the internet. i wasted way to much time figuring things out on my own when i clearly needen help. these thing are still out of my comfort zone and this scared me. it took a lot of time to get into this but. i finnaly got there and i'm proud of what i've done
TURN LIGHTS OFF To turn all lights off and turn the hotel dark i had to disable all light gameobjects and change the color of my directional light to a darker shade. i did this by making a gameobject list for the lights and turning them off after a few seconds had past. in my cooldown timer i added the same concept but the other way around. GHOST ANIMATION A ssets. first i had to create some assets to animate when the lights turn out. i created some dark assets with light assets. in the dark this creates an effect of a weird shape with a clearly visable scary mask. A niamtion. for the ghosts I made a couple of animators for a right, front or back animation (this is beacause i wanted to place the ghosts in different rotations. these aniamtions of course had no position so could place them whereever I liked. next i could put hem in my list in the in spector and place them in my scene! I also added a Bloom script to my main camera. now i can change the inten...